AEDCPR - Online CPR Training Class
AEDCPR - Online CPR Certification

Online CPR Training Class

Course Outline


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This course covers:

Adult CPR - Child CPR - Infant CPR - AED (Automated External Defibrillator) - Adult Choking - Child Choking - Infant Choking

The Chain of Survival for Sudden Cardiac Arrest is Activate EMS, Immediate CPR, Quick Defibrillation and Early Advanced Cardiac Care

Definition/Purpose of CPR

CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation is provided to victims who are in Cardiac Arrest. Rescue Breathing provides oxygen to the bloodstream of a victim who is unable to adequately breathe. Chest compressions circulate the oxygen-rich blood throughout the victim’s body when their heart is unable to pump blood. The purpose of CPR is to provide an oxygen-rich supply of blood to the major organs, to buy time until Defibrillation and Advanced Care can be administered.

The Chain of Survival for Sudden Cardiac Arrest is Activate EMS, Immediate CPR, Quick Defibrillation and Early Advanced Cardiac Care